FAQs About the Hiring Process

There are two good ways of searching for jobs – the OSU jobs website and Handshake. Handshake is an online tool, from the Career Center, for off-campus jobs that is also available to Ecampus students. You can access excellent resources and details on employers and industries from this modern, mobile-first platform that is networked with thousands of employers across the country. Handshake is not limited to job searching, you can also register for an event, look for an internship, or connect with an employer.

If you are interested in searching for jobs on campus, you can use the OSU Job portal: https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/. This page allows you to also obtain a variety of jobs exclusively on campus. On this page, click on the orange “Student Employee” box, this will display all open on-campus student positions. To sort, click on the arrow next to the column title. You can also refine your search by entering your search criteria in the “Search Postings” section. 

To review a job posting, click “view” located below the Position Title when you find a position that you are interested in. To apply to the job posting, click the “Apply for This Posting” button located at the top and bottom of the job posting. If you are a new user, click “New Applicants” and create a new Employment Profile. If you are a “Returning Applicant”, log in using your Username and Password. Complete the required fields and “submit”. 

*If you cannot remember your username or password or are having trouble logging in, click on the “I Forgot my Username/Password” link or email [email protected] or call (541) 737-0549 for assistance.

Students that meet the criteria shown below may not work more than 20 hours with all jobs hours combined on campus. If students exceed hours, those hours may be moved to weeks that have not been filled. Students may only work over 20 hours during winter break, spring break, summer break, or during a term the student is enrolled in under 6 credits. 

Note: If taking less than 6 credits during a term, you may be subjected to additional taxes, fees, and withholdings. May be considered a student's term off and cannot be during the first term of employment.

Click here to watch a video tutorial of how to set up direct deposit!

You can sign up for direct deposit through MyOregonState. If you are enrolled in DUO, you’ll be prompted to authenticate. Once you are in your portal, on the “Welcome” tab under “Update Personal Profile” click on “Direct Deposit.”

Note: if you are not enrolled in DUO, you will be prompted to do so at this point. Complete the following and click “Next”. 


To enroll in Direct Deposit, you will need your bank routing number and your account number. These can be found on a check or through your bank's online system, see an example below: 

Once the information is entered and submitted, you will need to agree to the “Direct Deposit Agreement.” 

Note: It will take 7 days after initial signup until the Direct Deposit will take effect.

Alternatively, students can fill out a paper request form and either mail or deliver it to the Payroll Office (Kerr Admin 100)

Your exact wage will depend on the position you are being hired for, but you will be paid monthly at least minimum wage ($11.50/hour). The checks (whether hard copy or direct deposit) will be sent out on the last business day of the month. 

In most cases, the state of Oregon has not paid unemployment benefits to full-time students who work at OSU. However, some student employees may qualify for Oregon unemployment insurance benefits. Historically, students who have been registered for six or fewer credit hours per term may qualify for state unemployment insurance.  Students may always file a claim to see if they qualify for benefits as determined by the Oregon Employment Department.

If a student employee believes that they may have extenuating circumstances or qualify for an exception, we recommend that they contact the Oregon Employment Department.  Please note, the state of Oregon has relaxed some rules regarding such benefits due to COVID-19. The new rules allow for payment of benefits in new situations, such as if an employee is forced to quit work or is unable to currently search for work due to certain new qualifying COVID-19-related reasons. The new rules are available here: https://govstatus.egov.com/ORUnemployment_COVID19

To file for unemployment benefits due to COVID-19, students should follow the instructions available at this link: https://www.oregon.gov/employ/Pages/COVID-19.aspx. If you file an unemployment insurance claim, the state will contact OSU to verify employment information. Your employment information may be an education record under the Family Educational Rights and Policy Act (“FERPA”). Accordingly, OSU may require a FERPA-compliant signed consent to release your information to the Oregon Employment Department. This applies to most student employment, including employment of graduate assistants.

The Student Employment Center
Email: [email protected]
Location: University Plaza suite 150, Corvallis. Closed during COVID-19. 
Phone: 541-737-2915, voicemail only during COVID19

Tracking Your Hours

Click here to watch a video tutorial of how to navigate EmpCenter!

Hours can be tracked through Empcenter, the OSU tracking hour system. This can be accessed via MyOregonState under the employee section.


The site will bring you to the student dashboard, but you can access the employee dashboard by clicking on the profile icon.  To see your hours, you can sign into Empcenter and click on “Timesheet”, this will prop you to the timesheets available.

Click here to watch a video tutorial of how to navigate EmpCenter!

You can view the hours you have worked by going to your EmpCenter and clicking on the “Results” tab on the bottom menu of your timesheet.

Click here to watch a video tutorial of how to navigate EmpCenter!

To clock hours at a specific time, go to the timesheet you desire to modify hours for. On the date you need to modify, click on “Work In/Out” by using the drop-down arrow. This will show two small boxes in the “Hours” section. Enter the times you need to clock in and out for here and explain the reason you are logging hours in this manner in the comments section. When the timesheet has been filled out appropriately, there will be an “exception message” in the “Exceptions” tab shown as yellow. If this message appears red, you check to see what fields you need to modify.

Click here to watch a video tutorial of how to navigate EmpCenter!

Students must log into their Empcenter, go to the timesheet they want to submit, and click on “submit” at the top of the page.

Each timesheet must be submitted individually this way. To switch to another timesheet, click on the icon to the right of “List view”.

Timesheets must be submitted prior to the OSU pay periods, that is, before the 16th of the month as the pay period is from the 16th of the month to the 15th of the following month. Students will receive an email reminder from Empcenter on their OSU email.

Using Your Paid Leave

Log into to your EmpCenter the same way you log hours. Go to one of your payroll sheets and scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “Oregon Sick Leave” tab. 

Note: Students affected by COVID-19 will see COVID-19 Leave in their timesheet. 

Log into your Empcenter the same way you would to log hours. Go to the payroll sheet for the job you want to use leave hours. To add hours, go to the arrow drop-down menu and select the leave you want to use. Then in the “hours” tab, add in the number of hours you want to use for that day. Save like you normally would.

The student employee would record the number of hours of leave in the timesheet for each job held. The amount of leave recorded would be based on the student employee’s schedule in each job. For example, if in Job #1 the student usually worked Tuesday and Thursday, 2 hours each day, the student could record no more than 2 hours each Tuesday and Thursday for that particular job. If the student employee worked Monday and Friday, 3 hours each, in Job #2, the student employee could record no more than 3 hours each Monday and Friday for that particular job. Ensure that there are no overlapping times between your various jobs.

The COVID-19 leave is to be used in response to the effects caused by COVID-19. As such, student employees can use this leave to care for themselves or another individual, either due to illness or due to school closure or other circumstances related to COVID-19. This leave can also be used to supplement reduced work resulted due to COVID-19.

Student employees, not able to work due to the COVID-19 response or their own personal or wellness circumstances, may utilize the following university employee benefits in the following order: COVID-19 leave > All accrued Oregon Sick Leave.

Employee Training

As a student employee, you will need to complete the trainings in the Bridge Training Management System. Within this system, there are several training modules, some are mandatory while others depend on your employer, contact them to know the specific training that is necessary for your job position. Some of the training available to student employees are the following: Critical Training provided by University Human Resources, Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) training, The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) training, Kognito training, and Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI). 

**You may notice that some of your trainings are flagged as "expired," but please note that this only means two years have passed since the training was completed. While flagged as "expired," Bridge will not track employees that re-take the modules until they are notified of re-enrollment (which is projected to be announced to campus at a later date).

Critical Training is provided by the University Human Resources. These training are required for all student employees and must be completed within 60 days of receiving enrollment notification via email. The training counts as time worked and is to be recorded on your timesheet. Coordinate with your supervisor on training times. 

The Critical Training is comprised of the following topics: Ethics, Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse, Information Security, and Equal Opportunity & Access. 

Environmental Health and Safety training is a set of modules and videos that employers/supervisors assign employees to develop an awareness of safety, health responsibilities, and accident prevention. These tools provide training and resources for a variety of laboratory safety issues, including radiation safety, chemical safety, and biological safety. 

Trainings are viewable in Bridge by accessing the Oregon State Training page which will prompt individuals with a login page for both students and faculty. Students may access their bridge account by using their OSU credentials. Once in the Bridge portal, students will need to click on the “Environmental Health and Safety” category to see the trainings. There are several trainings in this category, check in with your supervisor to identify which training (if not all) to complete. 

The Office of the Registrar at OSU hosts a FERPA training module and quiz that is required for employees and affiliates to gain access to student information systems and is highly recommended for any employee or affiliate who works with students. There are two training modules for employees - one for general employees (staff, teaching and professional faculty, administration) and, one for student employees (TAs, GTAs, student workers). Individuals should participate in the training relevant to their designated role at OSU. These will only display for those who have an employment record at OSU.

Students workers can access the online FERPA training and quiz module through the MyOregonState Portal, under the “Employee” section. Once in the “Employee” section, click on 'Resources' and click the 'Employment' tag. In that section, you should see the “GRA, GTA, & Student Employee FERPA Training” link. Select that link. You will be directed to a Qualtrics survey that may ask you to authenticate if you are not currently logged into DUO.

Kognito, also known as Recognizing and Supporting Students in Distress Training, is a program intended to strengthen OSU's culture of care for the campus community of faculty, staff, and students. This program aims to train the campus community of faculty, staff, and students to know how to recognize students in distress, initiate helpful conversations with them, and make referrals when necessary.

To access the Kognito training students need to log into Bridge using their OSU credentials and click on the “Student Wellbeing and Support” category. This will open the second page with the following trainings: 

IT Security Program for Students and Recognizing and Supporting Students in Distress (Kognito) Training. To begin this training, simply enroll.

To learn more about student support, workshops and trainings, go to the OSU CAPS webpage.

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) is a program website series of training resources available to OSU employees and affiliates. OSU sponsors this training resource for the following compliance areas: Human Subjects Research (IRB); Animal Care and Use (IACUC); Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR); Conflicts of Interest (COI); and Export Controls. Those conducting research will likely need to access CITI to complete several trainings as indicated by their supervisor.

To begin the trainings, new users to the CITI Program will need to register to create an account. Once registered, you will need to affiliate your account with Oregon State University.

Note: As an OSU affiliate, you will not need to pay for your CITI account.

  • Step 1: Go to https://www.citiprogram.org/login, and click on the “REGISTER” tab.
    • Do not choose “Log In Through My Institution” from the initial login page. You will affiliate your account with OSU after the registration process.
  • To register for an account, you’ll need to provide your own username and password, and your OSU email address to affiliate with your CITI account. Please use your “[email protected]” email address. 

Don’t have one?  Click here: https://oregonstate.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1935/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=35031


  • During the CITI Registration process, you will be presented with a series of questions about each compliance area offered by OSU. Each question has one or more courses associated with it, and this is where you will choose your courses.
  • For example, to add the COI course to your account, respond “Yes” to the question "Would you like to take the Conflicts of Interest course?"
  • If you do not need to add any courses affiliated with a particular question, you can choose to answer “No” or “Not at this time” and move to the next question.  Answer every question that requires a response, then click “Submit”.
    • Note that you can also remove or add courses later, as needed.
  • If you know you are required to take a particular course but are unsure about which one you need, then contact that OSU office for clarification.
  • The registration process is complete after you add one or more courses to your account. You will then land on CITI’s “Courses” webpage. 


  • If you already have an account with CITI, click “LOG IN” and enter your username and password. 
  • After you login, you’ll land on CITI’s "Courses" page.
  • Click “View Courses” to see a list of courses that are filtered for your institution. You can clear the filter or change it to see other courses.  The course list is divided into “Active Courses” (courses you have started), “Courses Ready to Begin” (courses you have chosen, but not yet started), and “Completed Courses”.
  • If you need to add a course to your course list, scroll down to the Learner Tools section. The Learner Tool links provide you with additional course options for your institution, including the ability to add courses to your account.
  • Add a Course takes you to a series of course enrollment questions for each available compliance area, and this is where you can choose additional courses to add to your account. 
    • Note that most questions require an answer. If you do not want to take the course, you may choose “No” or “Not at this time” and move on to the next question. Don’t forget to click “Submit” at the end!


  • Click the title of a course to begin (or continue) that course.
  • You must first complete the Integrity Assurance Statement. The system will not allow you to start the course modules until you have clicked "accept" where indicated.
  • Quiz Scores: Most courses require a specific minimum passing grade that is determined by your quiz scores.  If you do not achieve a passing score on a quiz, you are encouraged to retake it right away, prior to moving to the next section.
    • For OSU’s Conflicts of Interest course, a score of 100% is required for the first three quizzes.
  • When you successfully pass a course, you will land on a page that says "Congratulations!" and provides options for the next steps..
  • CITI Program customer support information is available here: https://support.citiprogram.org/ 
  • If you need to merge multiple CITI accounts, please refer to the CITI website FAQs or call their Customer Support group for assistance.