Excellence in Research

Rosalia Tanori, B.S Biology, Class of 2023

Rosalia Tanori is a first generation college graduate. She received a Bachelors of Science in Biology with a concentration in Physiology and Behavior in Spring of 2023. “I conducted research throughout my four years of college and started through STEM Leaders”,  she says. Rosalia conducted research through the COVID-19 pandemic until graduating in the Spring of 2023. Additionally, she went on to become a peer mentor and program assistant for the STEM Leaders program.

Rosalia joined Dr. Cecily Bishop’s lab in the department of Animal Sciences in the College of Agricultural Sciences as an undergraduate research assistant. Within this lab, Rosalia focused on using animals as model organisms for human health concerns. More specifically, Rosalia researched how well guinea pigs served as models for human polycystic ovarian syndrome. During her time at Oregon State, Rosalia presented her research three times - at the 2022 Celebrating Undergraduate Excellence Symposium at OSU, the 2022 Northwest Reproductive Science Symposium in Washington, and the 2022 SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference in Puerto Rico!

Rosalia was also involved in Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Program (LSAMP) and in the OSU Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) chapter where she served as the 2022-2023 Chapter Vice President. Rosalia will be attending Portland State University in Fall 2023 to pursue a Master of Science in Biology through a fully funded program!

Rosalia’s advice to incoming students is to find what you are interested in and find your support system. For Rosalia, that was her family, who were very adamant about her pursuing a college degree. Additionally, Rosalia emphasizes the value of getting involved in undergraduate research as it is highly valued in graduate programs, professional programs, and industry jobs.