Matthew williams


BioResource Research, Microbiology

College of Agricultural Sciences, College of Science

[email protected]

Research Experience:

Has been researching under Dr. Hannah Rowe in a Microbiology laboratory, at OSU, focusing on how an acetyl-group peptidoglycan modification of S. pneumoniae affects its ability to adhere to and stabilize Influenza A. Has also had the opportunity to research through the University of Michigan Biophysics REU for 10 weeks building and testing a device to prevent photobleaching during high-throughput two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy experiments probing for the charge separation pathways of photosystem II.

Denisse alvarado


Computer Science, Business

College of Engineering

[email protected]

Research Experience: 

Conducted research under Heather Knight in the CHARISMA Artificial Intelligence lab and focused on researching human and robot interactions. Built a robot named "OperaBot" for a theater performance held on campus and took note of how the audience reacted to the robot vs. the actors.